Montag, 21. Juni 2010


2005 “TREMOLO”  (moving installation)
concept / performance /sound: Angela Stöcklin

concept for the performance-fair “le look c’est chic”, RoteFabrik Zurich, May 28th 05,           
        duration 4 hours
further performances: Fasson Theater, Lachen  April 8th/ 9th 06, duration 20 minutes
DaTanzDa “under construction” Tanzhaus Zürich, February 27th 07, duration 60 minutes
    "     "       "Auftakt"                          "             "       , May 2009, duration 2 hours

A woman has prepared and readied herself to present herself before people: not to allow anything to get out of place she holds still...
...however: there is all this inner movement, inner vibrating, wave of in – and outbreath, pulsation of heart and blood, nerve-impulses, all those sounds inside her, the monologues/dialogues between her self – that by and by prevail and take over – and: the outfit gets out of place, the hairdo shifts, it all falls apart...
again and again she rearranges herself, she has to be presentable...

 „ ... her face is quiet, turned, but the inner disquiet like betraying sweat pushes through all pores of her body. The try to keep her balance – and then in one second which decides it all, to still catch herself with a clasping grasp..., and the strange, silently smiling quiet after that.“ (March-Anzeiger, April 06  TREMOLO)

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